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Free Work from home jobs earn 100, 200, $300 per day Autopilot Empty
PostSubject: Free Work from home jobs earn 100, 200, $300 per day Autopilot   Free Work from home jobs earn 100, 200, $300 per day Autopilot Icon_minitimeSat Oct 12, 2019 10:56 am

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Metro Vancouver housing sales remain sluggish in May 2019
Greater Vancouver Real Estate. Pre-sales in Metro Vancouver's housing market dropped by 47% this year to date

The Vancouver Wealth Fund is offering up to $350,000.00 for small businesses interested in helping the Vancouver
Luxury Homes Market. Latest report shows property sales 23 per cent below 10-year average

Housing sales in Greater Vancouver were 22.9 per cent lower last month than the 10-year average and the lowest for May since 2000, according to a report by Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV) published Tuesday.

The real estate board says a total of 2,638 homes were sold in May 2019, a 6.9 per cent drop from the 2,833 homes sold in May 2018.
However, sales were up 44.2 per cent from the 1,829 homes sold in April.

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Last month, 1,246 condos were sold, a 12.9 per cent decrease from the 1,431 condos sold in May last year, according to the report.

The benchmark price of a Metro Vancouver condo is currently $664,200, a 7.3 per cent decrease from May last year.
The number of detached home sales in May was more positive in comparison, but was still down 1.4 percent from May 2018.

Wealth Exchange News:

Sidewalk Labs Plans $980 Million Investment In Toronto Hub: Sidewalk Labs LLC., the urban innovation unit of Alphabet Inc., is proposing to team up with local partners to invest C$1.3 billion ($980 million) to get its vision for a high-tech city in Toronto off the ground.[size=100][/size]
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