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 Disney World Jobs earn US$249.00 per day Online

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Join date : 2009-07-12

Disney World Jobs earn US$249.00 per day Online Empty
PostSubject: Disney World Jobs earn US$249.00 per day Online   Disney World Jobs earn US$249.00 per day Online Icon_minitimeThu Jan 02, 2020 8:44 pm

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World Free Funding News: Compass raised $370 million in a deal that increases the real-estate brokerage’s valuation to $6.4 billion and indicates the firm is nearing an initial public offering. Compass announced its latest funding round Tuesday and said it increased its total capital raised to more than $1.5 billion since it launched in 2012. Investors participating in the round include Dragoneer Investment Group. Some of the firm’s existing investors, such as SoftBank Vision Fund, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and the Qatar Investment Authority, also contributed more money. Real estate tech startup Compass has raised $370 million in fresh funding at a valuation of $6.4 billion, the company said today (July 30). A New York-based startup, Compass aims to make buying and selling property easier through a suite of technologies it provides to home buyers, sellers, and agents.

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